Sorry, I am crossposting this on all of my sites. I simply feel the issue is too important to ignore. Thanks!
You might remember earlier this year about the teacher from Port St. Lucie, FL who had her class vote on whether Alex Barton, a child with autism, could remain in her Kindergarten class. He was voted out, traumatized and refused to return to school. There was a great uproar and teacher Wendy Portillo was suspended without pay for a year with her tenure revoked.
The school board quietly reversed its decision this week..please read the rest here, and trust me, you need to read it.
Tina Cruz is a writer, wife and mother of three children, two who have high-functioning autism, one who has Asperger's tendencies. She advocates for autism awareness and education, as well as acceptance. She views autism as a growth process and the opportunity to connect parents for support as a privilege. She is the Special Needs Editor at typeamom LA Special Needs Kids Examiner at and her own site, Send Chocolate reflects her passion for her children and autism. Autism Sucks is her brainchild.